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User Group Recap


Level 9
Hey everyone, Thanks for coming to the SLC User Group yesterday! It was fantastic seeing so many of you and hearing what's working for you and what we can do better. I loved Steve Bartell and Amy Chaston's presentations. They were fantastic! Here's a l"https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gkNiijXi707A2R6qgwAyE2QE-DwJmXXv1GXU7T199XY/edit?usp=sharing">ink to the presentation in case you want to review it. The next meeting will be here at Workfront, and we'll be taking into account all the awesome feedback you gave us yesterday. Feel free to continue the conversation in the comments below! -Nate Nate Bagley Community Manager Workfront natebagley@workfront.com | 801.477.9712
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