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Our designers would like to see a color separation tool in Workfront proof, similar to how it works under the Output Preview in Acrobat. Confirming brand colors before art gets released to the printer would be great to be able to do right in the proof without needing to open Acrobat separately. The shortcoming with on-screen proofing is that many on-screen blues look the same, but print very differently. It doesn't matter if you have a regular monitor or a high end proofing monitor, some colors that look the same on screen look different in print, so there's no way to catch these mistakes visually. Please upvote "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360019413393-Add-Color-Tool-options-">https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360019413393-Add-Color-Tool-options-
9 Replies


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Please upvote if you think this would be helpful https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z0000004W69AAE/detail We have reports that we set up to send daily for a short period of time each quarter. We'd like to be able to select "Weekday" instead of daily, our users don't generally need these reports over the weekend. Also, to expand on that, it would be amazing to be able to set up a repeating deliver for example, every weekday, for 2 weeks, beginning the 3rd week of each quarter -- this one may be a bit of a stretch request, but a dreamer can dream!


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Please upvote https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z0000004W8PAAU/detail If we're typing a new update, then want to jump down to the notify box we used to be able to hit tab and jump straight into that box and begin typing a name. But now if we're typing an update and hit tab, it goes to the text formatting buttons, and we have to tab through all of those before it moves on to the Notify box. I questioned whether this is working as designed with support and received the following response: " I've heard back from the product team that works in this area of the product. They informed me that the behavior with the tab key is a side-effect of some recent enhancements made to the updates feed. At this time, the team is considering this to be working as designed, but they did mention that they are still in the process of updating and auditing this area of the product. So although this is the current functionality, we may see the tab ordering change in the near future." Just seems counter-intuitive and inefficient. Our project managers use the Notify box a lot and find it frustrating.


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Another one that could use some Upvotes - it's currently marked as "Unplanned" but also part of a large initiative. It would be super helpful!! Save a Request prior to Submitting https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PSVGAA4/detail


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I'm on a roll this week! Please upvote this as well. title= rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PSAtAAO/detail currently it's impossible to accurately report on the actual duration of a task unless users are trained to not only click Work on It, but also change the task status when they actually start work on that task.


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Another idea I'd like upvoted... The typeahead field with the referenced object type of User is great, but it would be super helpful to be able to filter that field so the requester could only select a certain group or team of users. We have a field where we're still manually updating the list of users because we don't want the requester to be able to access ALL users. https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000XhS8AAK/detail


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Please up-vote if you'd find this helpful. Thanks! Default Pinned Timesheet Objects to Top of Timesheet https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000XhduAAC/detail


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Please up-vote if you'd find this helpful. Currently when you set a task to autocomplete the system only takes the planned completion date into consideration. Once that has passed the task completes, regardless of any predecessors. https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PSWHAA4/detail


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Please upvote if you'd find the ability to add a watermark when creating a proof helpful



I've asked that these two ideas be combined, so hopefully they will be soon.



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Please upvote if you use the DAM and would find this helpful

We'd like to map one field (regardless of what object type it's on) to one field in the DAM

We currently have one custom field that is used on both issues and tasks - we'd like to be able to map it from Workfront to the DAM's Keywords field. But unfortunately, when you select the field from the Workfront side, you have to indicate the object type it's on.
