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Track Planned Completion Date Moves


Level 2
I have Planned Completion date marked to show changes on the update feed but I have users that say they are moving the date but it's not showing on the update page. Thoughts? I ran a Note report that should show all notes/updates but it's not listed there either. Jen Buher Tractor Supply Company

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1 Reply


Level 10
Hi Jen, Sounds like you have all the right settings in place, but if the Planned Completion Date isn't showing up in the Updates, I'd recommend you do some testing -- perhaps it's sliding out of range (off screen) in certain cases, but my suspicion is that there's something else preventing it from being logged. That said, even if you do get it going, the Updates object is not (yet) a reportable object within Workfront, the way Notes are. A while back, we found a workaround for that inconsistency via our "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=ca5e7ae0-4cbe-49f6-ad4c-8bbcdf17f683&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer#bmca5e7ae0-4cbe-49f6-ad4c-8bbcdf17f683#bm0">Nessie DNA Reactivation solution. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads