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Team notifications when a Project is Active


Level 10
Hi All, I just opened a ticket with WF that it doesn't appear our notifications are going out to a Team when a Project is changed to Current (Active). So if you have a Task that has a Team assigned and that project status is changed to Current, the Team Members usually get a notification that the project is now "Active". This doesn't appear to be happening anymore. It works for Individuals, but not the Team. It's not showing up in the in-app notification either. Just wanted to see if anyone else was seeing this issue or inform you it might be happening. Cheers. Vic Alejandro Denver Water

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11 Replies


Level 10
I had an issue where the Team wasn’t showing up in one of the Views on the Project, it was blank. Not the same thing, but it makes me think there are a couple things where Teams are buggy. They fixed it pretty quickly after I reported it.


Level 3
We too are having this issue. We have an open ticket as well. Randy Roberts ZPA - Zimmerman Advertising LLC


Level 10
Thanks Randy. Nice to know I'm not imagining things. Vic Alejandro, PMP, CSM | IT | Sr. IT Project Manager Denver Water | t: (303-628-7262) | c: (303-319-6473) "http://www.denverwater.org/"> http://www.denverwater.org INTEGRITY | VISION | PASSION | EXCELLENCE | RESPECT


Level 7
Hey Vic, I've heard less than a handful of customers on cluster 2 specifically have had issues with delayed email notifications, but not receiving them at all sounds fishy. I'm glad to hear you got a ticket open. If you wouldn't mind pming me the ticket number, I'd be happy to take a peek at it, as I'm curious to see what's going on myself. Thanks! Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
Thanks Dustin. Actually Seth called me yesterday and informed me that Team assignments don't get the "Project is Active" email. Only Individual assignments. I swore that wasn't the case in the past, but he convinced me my memory is flawed (extremely possible �� ). Vic Alejandro, PMP, CSM | IT Program Manager Denver Water | t: (303-628-7262) | c: (303-319-6473) "http://www.denverwater.org/"> http://www.denverwater.org INTEGRITY | VISION | PASSION | EXCELLENCE | RESPECT


Level 7
Ah, yeah.. project team is maybe what you're thinking of. Anyone on the project would get an email with a list of all the assignments for the tasks on the project, but not a team itself per se. Hope you have a great day Vic! Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
I just had this happen today, no notification that the people on a "team" have deadlines coming up now that a project is Active. Sounds like it is purposeful, and teams are meant to be used differently than for Tasks. I have to change my templates to the actual people then. Luckily there are only 6 of them. Does anybody know if a "Group" would get the notifications? I'm doubtful about that because Groups are Role-Based, and Roles don't get notifications (and that makes perfect sense). Is there another way to group a set of people who always work in tandem on projects, and it acts like an assignment of a person? Jill Ackerman


Level 10
So if you're using Templates I discovered a trick to notify them when the project is Active, and you can leave the Team assignments. If you assign the individuals in a task (any task), then remove them from the task (keeping the Team assignment), WF adds the individuals to the "Project Team". Then anytime a project using that Template goes to Current (Active) they've get that Active notification. I've also used this to notify other people outside the team so they know a certain process has started. You can verify it worked and even remove people from this list by looking at More > People in your Template. You'll see all the names that will be notified and there's a remove button if you want to remove someone. Unfortunately the only way to add someone if to do what I said above and assign them to a task (then just remove them from the task). Hope that makes sense. Vic Alejandro, PMP, CSM | IT | Sr. IT Project Manager Denver Water | t: (303-628-7262) | c: (303-319-6473) "http://www.denverwater.org/"> http://www.denverwater.org INTEGRITY | VISION | PASSION | EXCELLENCE | RESPECT


Level 10
Hi Vic That’s an interesting idea and I know it works because I have people asking me why they are getting notifications for projects they aren’t on, exactly because of this. (The template had them assigned to a task but the project didn’t require that particular task so it got deleted during the setup process.) I wonder though if a team will miss out on other important deadline notifications for the project while it’s moving along, which has me worried. If it is designed to not notify them of one notification then it makes sense to eliminate them from all notifications? Anybody using teams for tasks have experience with this?


Level 10
It's not nullifying any notifications, you're adding notifications. The Team doesn't get the Active project notification already. By doing this you're actually adding them to those notifications and probably more. You can leave the individual assigned if you wish too. It comes down to preference. You seemed reluctant to have individual assignments when you wanted Teams. So I was offering an option. I've also used this to simply notify people that have no tasks at all but just need to be aware of the workflow that has begun (i.e. a New Hire process has started or an Offboarding process). Vic Alejandro, PMP, CSM | Senior IT Project Manager Denver Water | t: 303-628-7262 | c: 303-319-6473 Http://www.denverwater.org Sent via mobile phone


Level 10
Thanks Vic, that's good to know. I have to experiment with Teams a bit more. I'm still struggling with Notifications but have amassed a Power Point with every one I can get my hand on to try to figure out when they are going out so I can explain to all the people who call me constantly not understanding what the email means �� Jill Ackerman | Director, Direct Marketing Lindblad Expeditions 96 Morton Street | New York, NY 10014 Ph. 212.261.9080 | Fax. 212.265-3770 jilla@expeditions.com | "http://www.expeditions.com/"> www.expeditions.com