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Tasks List Update


Level 4
Hey, all, As you have already noticed, with last week's release we've updated the Tasks list under a project. I'd like to outline the key improvements that you can expect with this change: Improvements in performance of list interactions - One of the main goals of this update is to improve the performance of list interactions. This means you can now efficiently interact with your tasks list regardless of the amount of data you have there and without feeling any delays in the actions. As an example, selecting all items on a 2000 items list now takes 200ms compared to 3 seconds on the previous version. View more information on your screen by default - We're now loading up to 2000 tasks on a page by default, so you can now enjoy seeing all of your tasks on the screen without having to change the items per page setting manually. Undo-Redo your changes on the list when you're in Gantt mode - The updated version of task list allowed us to implement Undo/Redo functionality for list actions when you're viewing the Gantt Chart. You can now reverse the changes to the task hierarchy, add/delete items, make inline edits etc. and save time in the process, as you will be able to save only once when you're done editing your project plan. We are hopeful that the mentioned updates will help you manage your work more efficiently. This is one of the most used areas of our product so we analyze all your feedback from various channels to make sure we address your concerns and reported problems with urgency. We've patched fixes for several reported problems and will continue to fix the rest with higher priority. Other than the bugs, below are the main points that we've received a lot of feedback on, along with our plans to address them: List Scrolling - In the new version, the list separates from the page to enter and exit full screen mode when the users scroll up and down. We're working to improve this experience and are looking into ways to scroll the whole page instead of separating the list. Column sizes - We got feedback in Preview phase that the distribution of column sizes needs improvements. We adjusted the sizes for all the columns in default Workfront views, but did not have a quick way to update column sizes on the custom views. We're working on improvements for custom views as well to display the information in a more convenient way and will make it available asap. In the meantime, you can manually resize columns on your views, which will stick even after logging out and logging back in. Browser search limitations - To improve the performance of lists, we've used lazy rendering, which means that the browser renders only the currently visible portion of the data. As a result, the browser search only finds items that you can actually see, so the items down the list are not found. To address this, we've introduced Quick Filter functionality, which allows filtering on the whole page data. We're planning to introduce a keyboard shortcut for Quick Filter soon, which will allow you to activate the quick filters and use it via the keyboard. Please feel free to email me any further feedback you have at lilitmkrtchyan@workfront.com, or "https://calendly.com/lilitmkrtchyan/lists-discussion"> book a call to discuss your use cases in more detail. We are committed to improving the experience for planners in this core area, and I'll continue to update here with the progress of improvements we make. Thanks! Lilit Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront
85 Replies


Level 10
I noticed what Doug noticed yesterday too. When I created a new project from a template, the task list took an inordinate amount of time to load after I switched from Tasks to People and back (after staffing the project). It took so long and didn't refresh after F5, that I wound up thinking I had done something wrong, so I deleted the project and started again. When it happened the second time I realized that it wasn't my error.


Level 10
Hi Lilit, RE: the missing link, this is what I saw (below). Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
Just to add a little complexity I just had the Add More Tasks line appear in the middle of the page and stay there while a scrolled up and down the tasks. It stayed in front during the entire scroll until I got to the bottom of the plan where that line appears. When I scrolled back up it reappeared in the middle of the screen. A browser refresh fixed it. More importantly, I also just had a problem moving a group of tasks. Twice I dragged and dropped a group of tasks and placed them between another group of tasks and instead of dropping them between the groups it dropped them under the top group (indented) making them subtasks of the other group. And this wasn't a case of poor dragging and dropping skills. I can repeat it at will.


Level 10
Same here where everything below the "Tasks" tab appears blank, have to manually refresh the page. (But fantastic update on the scrolling! Much much better) Jamie Hill JLL


Level 10
Hey Lilit, I'm not sure if this is the place to provide this, but it's related to scrolling on the Scrum vs Kanban board. I had a user show me how the scrolling changed for them in Kanban. They like to scroll down on their board and drag the user icons on to a task/issue to do the assignments. They've now lost that ability. I noticed the Scrum storyboard keeps the icons at the top. Kanban no longer does. Scrum Kanban


Level 10
Hi @Lilit Mkrtchyan - I have found this issue happens every time I return to the Tasks tab after viewing the Hours tab. Hi @Vic Alejandro - have you logged that with Support yet? David Cornwell


Level 7
The scrolling is now back to normal thanks so much. We are also seeing the blank tasks issue. Is there any update on the column width resolution? Also, are any users having issues with the right click edit tasks menu not appearing properly? Louise Reynolds Premier Farnell Senior Global Marketing Workflow Specialist


Level 7
And we are experiencing the 'Add More Tasks' link issue Louise Reynolds Premier Farnell Senior Global Marketing Workflow Specialist


Level 2
Same. Ticket 1192946. Everyone was complaining on Friday about task lists not loading. It was happening cross-platform, so I had a lot of people from different groups show up at my desk. First project I personally loaded this morning? No task list. :-( Bree Main General Nutrition Centers, Inc.


Level 4
Hi, @David Cornwell , That's correct. The problem with task list going blank happens when navigating between certain tabs. We already have a fix and are validating it to release to production. @AtTask Admin Premier Farnell , we're now testing the new solution for loading the columns with more dynamic sizes and hope to have it in Preview with the Beta release on April 22. As for the right-click menu, can you please submit a support ticket for further troubleshooting? I don't believe we have an issue for that. Thanks! Lilit Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 4
Hello, @Vic Alejandro , Can you please submit support tickets for both problems so that the team can troubleshoot and fix them sooner? Thank you! Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 4
@Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore , that's strange. I don't see any reason why the "Add More tasks" link should not be displayed there. I'll ask the team to look into it, though it would help a lot if you could submit a ticket for it. Thank you! Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 4
Hey, Vic, It's very unlikely that our changes could've caused a problem on Kanban Board, but I'll have the team look into it. Thanks! Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 4
Anyone seeing scroll bar disappearance issues with Firefox? Here's the situation for one of our users: "Another scrolling issue is that the dark grey bar on the right disappears and is inaccessible until you resize a window, then it shows up for a sec or two, but not long enough to grab to scroll. Maybe this is just a Mac experience?" I'm not allowed to run Firefox myself (draconian rule prevails) so I'm limited in what I can do to verify this... Greg Troester CHG Healthcare


Level 5
@greg - I've had issues with the scroll bar disappearing on the right when navigating to some pages- happens sporadically and I think mostly when I navigate to the staffing page when I assign new projects. I use Chrome on a PC. I haven't put a ticket in yet for this. Janelle Hicks Lifespan Corporation


Level 4
Good to know - I've had no issues with Chrome/PC so far (even before the fix). Odd! I've asked our person with the Firefox/Mac issue to try to nail down specifics - the issue didn't show itself when I went over to her desk to see what was up. Greg Troester CHG Healthcare


Level 7
Hi Lilit Please see ticket 1193238 Thanks Louise Reynolds Louise Reynolds Premier Farnell Senior Global Marketing Workflow Specialist


Level 7
I have raised a ticket for the issue with the right click menu not being fully visible and I will be raising four further tickets for issues that we have experienced since the upgrade: 1. Unable to inline edit a field after you have edited the same field in the row above Before, when you hit enter the same field in the next row would be editable but now it's just highlighted and you have to re-click into the field. This is extra clicks and not a more streamlined user experience. 2. Calendar not fully visible if you are near the bottom of the task list Before, the calendar would appear without issue and now you again have to scroll down or across to ensure the calendar displays, otherwise you have to manually edit the date. As per above, this is extra clicks and not a more streamlined user experience. 3. Having click twice to close all tasks in the task list Before, this was just one click, now it's 2 clicks - why? 4. Parent Tasks full row of data fields are no longer bold It is more difficult to 'see' that the field data is linked to a parent task and you may attempt to edit by mistake. As per previous issues, this is extra clicks and not a more streamlined user experience. Has anyone else experienced the above? Thanks Louise Louise Reynolds Premier Farnell Senior Global Marketing Workflow Specialist


Level 10
I have seen this as well. I also got to experience the blank task page now too.


Level 10
Hi Lilit, OK I will do that. Is there any word on the speed. I know this latest release and Task List update was supposed to make things faster. Myself and my Users have experienced 0% increase in speed, and sometimes worse.


Level 10
hey everyone, has anyone experienced an issue with flashing grey cells where dates should be? It's as though the project timeline is recalculating, but it doesn't resolve as quickly as it should. I don't want to submit a ticket unless I can replicate it on command, but if anyone else has a ticket open for it, I'd like to hop on that. -skye