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Tasks List Update


Level 4
Hey, all, As you have already noticed, with last week's release we've updated the Tasks list under a project. I'd like to outline the key improvements that you can expect with this change: Improvements in performance of list interactions - One of the main goals of this update is to improve the performance of list interactions. This means you can now efficiently interact with your tasks list regardless of the amount of data you have there and without feeling any delays in the actions. As an example, selecting all items on a 2000 items list now takes 200ms compared to 3 seconds on the previous version. View more information on your screen by default - We're now loading up to 2000 tasks on a page by default, so you can now enjoy seeing all of your tasks on the screen without having to change the items per page setting manually. Undo-Redo your changes on the list when you're in Gantt mode - The updated version of task list allowed us to implement Undo/Redo functionality for list actions when you're viewing the Gantt Chart. You can now reverse the changes to the task hierarchy, add/delete items, make inline edits etc. and save time in the process, as you will be able to save only once when you're done editing your project plan. We are hopeful that the mentioned updates will help you manage your work more efficiently. This is one of the most used areas of our product so we analyze all your feedback from various channels to make sure we address your concerns and reported problems with urgency. We've patched fixes for several reported problems and will continue to fix the rest with higher priority. Other than the bugs, below are the main points that we've received a lot of feedback on, along with our plans to address them: List Scrolling - In the new version, the list separates from the page to enter and exit full screen mode when the users scroll up and down. We're working to improve this experience and are looking into ways to scroll the whole page instead of separating the list. Column sizes - We got feedback in Preview phase that the distribution of column sizes needs improvements. We adjusted the sizes for all the columns in default Workfront views, but did not have a quick way to update column sizes on the custom views. We're working on improvements for custom views as well to display the information in a more convenient way and will make it available asap. In the meantime, you can manually resize columns on your views, which will stick even after logging out and logging back in. Browser search limitations - To improve the performance of lists, we've used lazy rendering, which means that the browser renders only the currently visible portion of the data. As a result, the browser search only finds items that you can actually see, so the items down the list are not found. To address this, we've introduced Quick Filter functionality, which allows filtering on the whole page data. We're planning to introduce a keyboard shortcut for Quick Filter soon, which will allow you to activate the quick filters and use it via the keyboard. Please feel free to email me any further feedback you have at lilitmkrtchyan@workfront.com, or "https://calendly.com/lilitmkrtchyan/lists-discussion"> book a call to discuss your use cases in more detail. We are committed to improving the experience for planners in this core area, and I'll continue to update here with the progress of improvements we make. Thanks! Lilit Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront
85 Replies


Level 7
Hi @Lilit Mkrtchyan Will there be a notification sent out to let users who aren't on this chain know when its in preview? Thanks, Vicky Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited


Community Advisor
Looking forward to checking it out in Preview!


Level 2
We cannot wait for the issues to be addressed such as the jumpiness and colors and separations in task list. I would love to be able to inform our team that the recent "improvements" will be reverted or fixed. Is that what I'm reading? The latest changes have made our semi-engaged users completely dissatisfied and the WF adopters completely frustrated... I hope what I'm reading is that soon (maybe Monday?) I won't have to resize my window, all columns every time I go to look at a project's task list. I'm only adding this comment so I can be on the list to get notified. Sharon Flynn


Level 10
Hi Sharon, I just checked Preview and still see the same Jumpiness, suggesting the latest improvements have not yet been released there, and (therefore) will be some time still before it is in production. If you really cannot wait, I encourage you to consider using my "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=30b481b8-a12f-49c5-a4d2-7c0c37da2d7d&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer#bm30b481b8-a12f-49c5-a4d2-7c0c37da2d7d">"classic task list" workaround (as I mentioned above), which only takes a few minutes to follow through and set up, and should give some interim relief. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 4
Hello, everyone, I'm glad to inform that the list scrolling is now updated in Preview! Now the lists will scroll with the page instead of separating from it to enter the full screen mode. The change is available in following areas: A list of projects in the following subtabs: Projects I'm On. Projects I Own. All Projects. Projects tab in a Portfolio. Projects tab in a Program. A list of tasks in the following tabs: Tasks tab in a Project. Subtasks tab in a Task. We're planning to push this change to production with this week's production patch. Please check it out in Preview and let us know what you think via "Give Feedback" button, or email me directly at lilitmkrtchyan@workfront.com . @Vicky Fitzgerald , we'll send out an Announcement Center message to system admins shortly, so everyone will be aware of the change. @Sharon Flynn , can you please check out the changes in Preview and let me know if that will address your concerns? Thanks! Lilit Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 2
This is embarrassing -- but how do I check out "in Preview"? @Lilit Mkrtchyan Sharon Flynn University of Virginia Health System


Level 4
Hey, Sharon, Sorry I wasn't specific about that :) You can access the Preview at https://[your domain].preview.workfront.com/ with your Workfront credentials. It is a replica of your production account as the data from there copies to Preview every week. We put the newly implemented features there every two weeks so you can check out what's coming next with the upcoming release. You can also use it for testing purposes without breaking any production data. Please let me know if that helps. Thanks! Lilit Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 10
Thanks Lilit, For those who might have been testing in Preview already, please note that I had to log out and then back in again to see the new version. AND (more importantly), in my opinion it is now MUCH improved: smooth "outer bar only" scrolling with no jumpiness, scrolls the header out of the way as the page moves down, helpfully preserves the floating header, and honors on the fly column resizing. I look forward to seeing it in Production (and sb* environments) at your earliest convenience. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
Hi Lilit - I can see that the scrolling is much improved, though our other main request (key press to jump to a position in a drop-down field) is still not working. Is it possible to get a list of the main things which are meant to be fixed in this patch so we can test? It may just be the Preview system, but I found it very slow to insert new tasks (up to a minute or so). Overall I would like to see this in Production, but hopefully there more improvements still coming. Regards, David Cornwell


Level 8
Task list update is great! Only thing missing is the bolding of the full row for parent tasks (currently only the task name is bolded – so I have to use Doug's hack to bold the rest of the row) Adina


Level 4
Thanks for checking the list scrolling update! David, at the moment the team is working on improving the sizes allocation in views so that the columns are assigned more intuitive sizes. I don't have an ETA on when we'll get to fix the keyboard navigation to list items, though I'll ask the team to look into it at an earlier possibility. Adina, I was planning to add back the bolding on the full parent task row with 19.2 release, but based on the feedback we will bring it back earlier in one of upcoming production patches. Thanks! Lilit Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 4
Hey, all, Based on the feedback from Preview, we've worked on an issue fix on list scrolling. We wanted to have the issue fixed before releasing the functionality, that's why the scrolling is not updated in Production yet. We're testing the fix now and will release the functionality as soon as the testing is complete. I'll update here once it's done. Thanks! Lilit Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 4
Hello, everyone, I'm happy to inform that the improved scrolling experience is now in production! Please take some time to check it out and let me know of any feedback you have. Thanks! Lilit Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 10
Thanks Lilit (and congratulations), So far, I've observed two unexpected behaviors with the new list view this morning: when navigating to a project (whether initially, or using the back button in Chrome), occasionally: the handy "+ Add Tasks" link at the bottom of the task list is not present, even when sorted by task number, with no grouping (mainly initially), and the task list is empty, even though tasks exist (mainly on back button) My workaround in both cases is to refresh the browser page. Not fatal, but perplexing, until I noticed the pattern. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
Just FYI, "blank task page" was reported to me yesterday at 1PM by one user, but now others are starting to step forward. -skye


Community Advisor
I submitted at ticket this morning for the blank task page. Number 1192607 if anyone wants to reference it. It's been raised to development to investigate further.


Level 10
I believe my cohorts, but I haven't witnessed the blank screen yet. But the scrolling is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. Thank you!


Level 1
I am having the same issue within a project. If I look at task details, when I return to look at tasks - it is blank. A refresh fixes the issue. This is in Chrome. My co-worker - using IE/Edge saw a broken page and was unable to return to the top of a project page (above the filter/view row). Kristin Rice Stirling Ultracold


Level 10
It's only the start of the business day here down-under, but so far, so good! Looking forward to the rest of the fixes coming soon hopefully (ctrl-f replacement & keyboard typeahead in drop-downs). Cheers David Cornwell


Level 4
Hey, all, Thanks for checking out the scrolling improvements and reporting the problems you see. The team is working to fix the problem with the blank page ASAP. Thanks! Lilit Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 4
Hey, Doug, We have a known issue with "Add more tasks" link when after adding a task it scrolls a little bit down under a vertical scroll. It reappears after saving the next task or scrolling vertically a little bit. Is this what you're seeing? If so, this is in our backlog and we hope to address it within 1-2 weeks. Thanks! Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront