apologies Peter, On closer inspection, the {assignedTo}.{entryDate} I suggested in fact pertains to when the Us er who was assigned was entered into Workfront; hence the crazily large numbers you recieved. Having done a bit more research now, although the Primary Assignment is available through the reporting UI (including the Primary Assignment Entry Date), natively, I suspect the best you'll be able to do is show both in a Task View (with the hours and minutes showing) and visually inspect them. Any attempts to refer to {primaryAssignement}.{entryDate} (which would be the equivalent, in text mode) failed to retrieve any results. I believe that is because the Primary Assignment object is currently only available via "">api-unsupported . From there, you could then export the data to Excel and make the comparisons you are interested in, or consider leveraging our "">Magic Report solution (which could access api-unsupported and do the math). Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand!