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Task report text mode help


Level 2
Hi, Does anyone know the proper reference for the value below This is the code I have on my column. It works when I use "entryDate" for example, but I want to be able to reference the primary assignment entry date if possible. When I try "primaryAssignment:entryDate" in red below it doesn't work. Does anyone know the correct way to reference the primary assignment entry date? valueexpression=CONCAT(ROUND(DATEDIFF({plannedStartDate},{ want to use primaryAssignment:entry value here }),2)," Days") linkedname=direct valueformat=HTML displayname=Difference Between Entry and Planned Start Dates namekey=plannedCompletionDate textmode=true Thanks! Peter Mitchell Prudential Financial -Business Performance Solutions

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3 Replies


Level 10
Hi Peter, You're very close. This is another "Expression = Emoticons" situation, meaning if you use value expression, you need to use brackets (as in :-} ): valueexpression=CONCAT(ROUND(DATEDIFF({plannedStartDate}, {assignedTo}.{entryDate} ),2)," Days") linkedname=direct valueformat=HTML displayname=Difference Between Entry and Planned Start Dates namekey=plannedCompletionDate textmode=true Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 2
Thank you! So {assignedTo}.{entryDate} is equivalent to primaryAssignment:entryDate ? when I use that I get really high numbers that don't make sense, 700/800 days etc. Peter Mitchell Prudential Financial -Business Performance Solutions


Level 10
Ehm...my apologies Peter, On closer inspection, the {assignedTo}.{entryDate} I suggested in fact pertains to when the Us er who was assigned was entered into Workfront; hence the crazily large numbers you recieved. Having done a bit more research now, although the Primary Assignment is available through the reporting UI (including the Primary Assignment Entry Date), natively, I suspect the best you'll be able to do is show both in a Task View (with the hours and minutes showing) and visually inspect them. Any attempts to refer to {primaryAssignement}.{entryDate} (which would be the equivalent, in text mode) failed to retrieve any results. I believe that is because the Primary Assignment object is currently only available via "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002672154-Deprecating-Customer-Use-of-API-Internal">api-unsupported . From there, you could then export the data to Excel and make the comparisons you are interested in, or consider leveraging our "http://store.atappstore.com/product/magic-reports/">Magic Report solution (which could access api-unsupported and do the math). Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads