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Suggestions for Apple Users Trying to Open Windows .msg (Outlook) Files


Level 2
Hello Workfront Community, I'm wondering if anyone has run into this and if so do you have a suggestion for how to work around it. About a third of our team is on PCs and wills sometimes drop a copy of their Outlook email in the Documents section. Often these emails come through the Requests queue and have instructions we need to know for the project. The rest of our team is on Macs and are unable to open the .msg file they dropped in Workfront. We get the, "you need a program to open this, search the internet" prompt when attempting to open it. Do you have a solution? Short of having them copy and paste the content of the email into the Updates section?

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1 Reply


Level 2
One option would be to instruct them to Save as a PDF instead of the .msg format. Outlook 2013 + has this option baked in to the app. I'm uncertain if it's available in earlier versions. If that's not an option, a quick Google search found a number of msg file viewers for Macs. Good luck!