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scenario planning


Level 2
Hi All, We have been using workfront for a while now, one of the functionality we knew wasn't there but was told it would be soon, was scenario planning or modelling. Each year during business planning i need to be able to impact the total cost internally and externally of the pipeline. I need to be able to mix inflight (projects spanning FY) and approved but not active, and requested projects. In a off line tool (Excel) i play with the profiling of projects in terms of start and end (each project has a business case of resources needs) dates, or even reduce the resource (aim is to reduce scope) to fit them within the given tagets for that year, this could be reduce capex , opex .... I then need to be able to save that model and use this as a baseline to refer to throughout the year. Each quater i then need to re baseline to actual start dates / delays to assess impact. I also need to be able to do this through the year ad hoc... So the question is - does anyone do this, and how? . Scott Goddard Consortium
1 Reply


Level 10
Interested in hearing more about any updates on this one... Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU