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Rollout of Workfront to College Faculty and Staff


Level 1
Hi I work for a small private commuter college in New York and we have just made the Workfront purchase about 3 months ago. We have built our request forms for marketing materials, and we have built a creative workflow with templates for all of our creative, publications, and digital requests for marketing materials. We have a small team for design, editorial and web. Our clients are the college's faculty and office staff. We have tested internally and hand picked a few staff to help test out the forms and workflow. Everything seems to be working great! We are at the point now where we are trying to determine best practice and training needs for a launch to the college community. Does anyone have any implementation plans that worked well for them during a rollout to the college community? Not all faculty and staff will use this system or have a need to make requests. How to handle training to dept.'s and one-off trainings are also a question. Thanks for any insight anyone may have regarding implementation, roll-out and launch of Workfront in a higher ed environment. Thanks Rob Robert Gregson St. Joseph's
2 Replies


Level 2
Robert, Though I haven't done a College implementation yet, one of my first questions would be "Who is your target?". There are two sides to that question, the first being who are your target users, aka who will be working in the tool the most; and the second part is who are the target beneficiaries of the tool, aka requestors, stakeholders, management, or the resources. The primary answers to both parts of that question is where I would start with implementation and then move on from there. Depending on the number of people in those groups, you may want to consider a Pilot as well to see what additional training materials the rest may need. John Albaugh


Level 2
Robert, I also work in higher education. A small liberal arts college in southern Minnesota. We have been using Workfront for 10 years. for the first few years we only had our in-house marketing staff using the program and a few hand picked staff that I knew would work the most in the system. Once I had the core people trained I picked the next group of people I knew would be using our request forms (issues) and trained the group. At this same time we were going through a whole new brand so our office had training for every department and Workfront was touched on there as well. So even if someone didn't send request they at least knew the basics. Then slowly trained small groups as they came along to use the system. I also have how to documents set up and a standard email that I send to one off people when wanting to send a request. Workfront is set up like social media programs so I have found that most people get it. But for those who don't I will have a one-on-one training. For everyone not in the marketing office, and our in-house printer, I have them set up as "Reviewer" licenses users. They have access to the issues (requests) and the projects that were converted from those requests. They can do very minimal things such as send comment, and add documents. They can't complete a task but they can look at the project and see where it is at in the process. I have found in our instance that works well. I would also be interested in hearing how you have things set up. Maybe there are some things you have found useful that we could do over here. Or if you would like to talk more about my process let me know. I would be happy to talk. Good Luck! Anna Anna Deike Gustavus Adolphus College