Hi there, When setting up a queue and queue topics, Workfront will generate Issues upon submission. I don't believe there is a way to generate a task when setting up your queue. Regarding your question about using the queue to store the issues, or to setup a new project... I have found that setting up "target" projects has been the most effective way of organizing issues. This is especially true if you plan on using a single queue to support multiple functional groups, business processes or types of requests. By configuring your routing rules to "send" issues to target projects, you have the ability to: - Control the visibility of the Request Type itself without any impact on visibility of the issues (Who can see this request type?, Anyone, People with View Access to this Project) - Set project-level attributes on the "target" projects, such as Portfolio, Program, Custom Data - Set default access settings, such as "When someone is assigned to an issue, give them Contribute rights" - Set sharing on the "target" project, such as giving a specific team manage contribute rights to the entire "target" project. In our environment, this has allowed us to collect all of our target projects into a single "Demand Management" portfolio, and even further organize our projects into "Programs" that align with demand classifications. When structured in this way, reporting is much easier and the information is organized well. We started out with some private queues that serve as both the publishing of the request type and storing of the issues, and will likely restructure those to fit the model described above. Here's a slide that represents our demand management structure: Narayan Raum SunTrust Banks (Data Governance BIO)