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Report Status Using Calendar Dates


Level 2
I am seeking help with how to add calendar dates to a report. Specifically, I would like to create a matrix with calendar dates as rows and task status as columns. The result would report on how many tasks were in which status on which date. The trouble is I can't find a way to select calendar dates as a reporting option. Anyone have any ideas? David David Clayton MaritzCX

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2 Replies


Level 10
Hi David, When you say 'calendar dates' do you just mean dates? The other thing you said was "how many tasks were in which status on which date". You can't report on historical statuses over time. You can only report on current statuses of the tasks/hours and group them by one of their dates (start/end/entry date etc). The closest approach I can think of is to take your report, set it to matrix grouping. Group the rows by a date and select to group it by day. Then group the columns by the task status. Regards, David Cornwell


Level 2
Thank you. Very insightful. I was trying to report on historical status, and I now see that is not a feature of Workfront. David David Clayton MaritzCX