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Refine Overdue Task Report to show only tasks I haven't completed


Level 4
We have a standard report that shows overdue/incomplete tasks by user so that people can keep track of what they still owe. However, it doesn't work the way we'd like when multiple users are assigned the same task. For example: 3 people are all assigned to a task I and one other person have marked the task as "Done with my part" The task isn't technically complete because the third person hasn't marked their part as Done yet That task continues to show up in my "overdue task" report because the report is showing tasks to which I am assigned and that are incomplete Does anyone have suggestions on how to filter a report to show only tasks in which I (or another user) have an incomplete activity BUT NOT show tasks for which I've completed my part but someone else hasn't? I've attached a screen grab of our report's current filter configuration. Thanks in advance. Chris Watson KVH Marketing
2 Replies


Level 8
Dear Chris, I believe you want to do an assignment report (rather than a task report) and add Assignment Status doesn't equal Done to you filter set. Please note that an assignment report will include issues as well as tasks. You can exclude issues (add a filter that issue ID is blank for example) but if you include them, the fields for issues and tasks are different - i.e. task planned date is different to issue planned date. Barry Buchanan Work Management Australia


Level 4
Thanks, Barry. I'll try that. Chris Watson KVH Marketing