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Project Type Templates


Level 5
Hi There, Anyone willing to share projectd type templates? by project type, by tier if you use them? Print, Web, Video, Photography, Email, etc?? Curious how detailed folks get, and curious how many rounds you build into your schedules? tks! Karen

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16 Replies


Level 2
Hey Karen! Our team has created two generic templates for Print Products and Digital Products, just to establish the base tasks, assignments and timing for that 80%+ of the project request types we get. We're an internal agency/marketing department, so most of the work is standard and only 1 or 2 minor deviations from these templates. We also have more specific templates for some recurring projects like photo/video projects, weekly reporting, employee on-boarding, company event planning, newsletters and even a template for internal ad hoc requests (for ease of tracking). As for review rounds, I usually plan one formal internal review w/ revisions, one external review w/ revisions, and then the final external review for the OK. Again, we're internal to the company so our clients are a bit closer to us as a resource and therefore generally more trusting of our products (granted everything was communicated well from the onset, for which Workfront has been a blessing). What kind of template setup does your team use? I'm always curious to pull back the curtain on other creative operations and improve our processes where I can!


Level 5
Thanks Ben! We're in the middle of configuration right now- and I think we're overthinking the print template! We're also an in-house creative services group- unfortunately our internal "clients" aren't as trusting, and we go through many rounds! It's mostly because they haven't thought through the content as thoroughly as we'd like :) Any chance you could download your templates in excel and share? I'm curious what your task structure looks like?? I can share w/you what we're working on! tks Karen


Level 2
Hi Karen - I'm happy to work though some of this with you if you'd like! Feel free to reach out directly.


Level 2
Hi - I've been trying to do more work on this on our end and I'm re-thinking our task structure. Would love to see some other groups template examples, if you're willing to share? I am looking for print and digital design project templates...Thanks!


Level 2
Hi Tay - I'm intersted in the work flows setup and best practices. Im also a creative services manager.


Level 3
Robert, We have several templates that we utilize based on the piece being produced. We have templates for our monthly catalog, store signage, postcards, etc. Each project type has different timeline needs so it was easiest for us to set them up that way. Thanks, Shelly Long. PMP, CSSGB | Traffic Manager


Level 2
How’s does your team receive project request? Do your project managers or owners start a project?


Level 3
Robert - So sorry for my delayed response. We actually set up a request queue. So the PMs can request a project, answer basic information, and Traffic then creates the project utilizing our project templates.


Level 2
We also created a request queue for project managers to request work from our in-house Creative Services team. We have several request queues based on the larger overall project needed so that the logic in the custom form doesn't get too confusing. I've attached 3 of our project templates. We build in 3 rounds of review, knowing that we may need to add or remove rounds for each project. keri


Level 2
Thanks Kerri! How in-depth are your custom forms? We are maxed out with the 500 allowed fields for the custom form. We are looking for a better way to add an item or version without having to add so many fields as a customer may never use the majority we have pre built to the custom form. The reason we have over 500 fields is for list of marketing items, item numbers, items per version, yes we know its overkill but need advice on how to better streamline the custom form but to capture info we need. Thanks for the project templates this helps.


Level 2
Robert, Is there a way you can break down one custom form out to many? We have multiple custom forms and requests to try to keep things as simple as possible per project. For instance, we have one request that contains one custom form for marketing collaterals for a new store. We have another for a CD release. and another for website changes. Do you have larger campaigns or projects that are similar each time? Perhaps you could create a custom form and request only for that project. I haven't researched, but I know that you can add multiple custom forms to a request. There might be a way through adding logic within the custom form to call up another custom form based on selections. We haven't had a need for that yet, but I am curious how it works.


Level 2
Kerri - curious how your custom form for marketing materials looks like? Can you show an example?


Level 2
I couldn't find a way to export the information in the custom form so I made some screen captures. This might be too much information.


Level 2
This is great! I have a few questions. Anyway we discuss off line? Very helpful.


Level 2
Yes! I'll contact you. Disclaimer: I do NOT profess to be an expert. Most of this has been through trial and error. There may be better ways to do these things, but I don't know yet what they are. keri