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Project Status Report


Level 2
Does anyone know how the report on the "Project Status" tab is generated? Is it possible to create a report that can group multiple projects together? I'm thinking this could make for a good weekly report to send out to key stakeholders and teams. Nick "E.T."

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11 Replies


Level 10
Some of us (ok, me) don't have a Project Status tab, so I suspect you're looking at a custom dashboard. If this is the case, then yes, you can copy that report, and make one that groups multiple projects together. -skye


Level 2

The report isn't a typical report that I've seen, so there is no way to copy it. Nick "E.T."0690z000007Zi8kAAC.jpg


Level 4
I have no idea how you accomplished this but would be so grateful if you could share! I really do not believe it to be a "standard" report or functionality in the system. I would assume someone textmode savvy in your org created this but you could certainly look in the reports/dashboards to find out! If so, you could certainly add multiple projects! Jordan Martinson LeaseTeam, Inc.


Level 10
Yep, agree with Jordan, that's not a regular WF report. Did AtAppStore-Doug build that for your company? Still tho, no reason you can't build a dashboard that reports on the same elements using several different reports (so each orange heading can be a separate report). -skye


Level 4
Dashboards for sure, just still waiting on the functionality roll out to PDF or share the entire dashboards vs individual reports! I'm sure though, if it's in Nick's system, it can be easily picked apart and edited. Would LOVE to see the text mode behind the report! Jordan Martinson LeaseTeam, Inc.


Level 10
Hi Nick, As Skye mentioned, we do offer an "http://store.atappstore.com/product/executive-status-report/">Executive Status Report solution that can be used to summarize any Project (see below), but from the screenshot you sent, I believe what you're referring to is the "http://php.net/manual/en/intro-whatis.php">php -based Project Status report that Workfront (now) includes for new Workfront Client implementations in order for Workfront to track the Workfront implementation...only. As with our solution, pulling multiple objects together into a single report in a sorted and well-formatted fashion is beyond what's currently possible in text mode. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 2
I was afraid this was going to be the answer. Thanks for explaining this in such great detail. Nick "E.T."


Level 10
That is a really nice report I wish I had and definitely not something standard to Workfront without massive text mode savvy, or Doug, or something super cool. When you click on the report name, what happens? Usually a report in a Project shows info only for that project, but when you open it up by clicking on the report name it returns info for all projects (or whatever the filter is). If you don't have the ability to copy or edit, I think that means someone else created it and didn't give you access. In the list of reports on the Reporting tab there is a column "entered by" which should show who created it or owns it, perhaps that is a clue? Jill Ackerman


Level 10
Ok.... I'll ask the obvious question.... if this is a "php-based Project Status report that Workfront (now) includes for new Workfront Client implementations in order for Workfront to track the Workfront implementation...only." Why wouldn't they make this standard across the application for everyone to use on their projects? This has a been a gap for a long time. Several years ago a Workfront Consultant setup us up to use the "Issue" on the project to create status updates each week. He had mentioned this was something similar to what Workfront was doing at the time to do their own status reporting. He created some really nice looking reports (in the UI), however, you couldn't export them so we had to abandon them and use a more "vanilla" looking report out of WF. We still use the "issue" to create reports. Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU


Level 3
This is a report I would love to have! It would help answer a lot of my daily questions from the team. Workfront needs to make this available for all to utilize Pat Howay Flagstar Bancorp, Inc.


Level 1

Relatively new Workfront customer here...has there been any improvement to the status report PDF output over the last year that I just haven't discovered yet? I'm currently using the Issue status reporting system (as others here are doing) and creating a whole separate document for executive status reporting...not ideal. Has anyone cracked this case yet? Thanks in advance!