This lists all the milestone tasks with date. You could change the ISBLANK milestoneID to a CONTAINS milestone ID to only show the date for a specific milestone and change the concat to just a single date or any other key data. displayname=Milestone Tasks listdelimiter=< h > listmethod=nested(tasks).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({milestoneID}),"",CONCAT({milestone}.{name},"-",{plannedCompletionDate},"-",{progressStatus},"-"{status}," ")) valueformat=HTML And if you are attending Leap, I'll be talking about the object model and using it in API, Fusion and Advanced Reporting on Wednesday. I'll also be convening a Networking Session for Text Mode/Reporting and other Geeks on Monday! Melinda Layten Technical Project Manager - API and Integration Workfront