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Project Inactive for over 6 months


Level 10
I'm either missing something or just being daft ... But what's the best way to report on project which hasn't been worked on for over 6 months? Meaning, last time when someone logged hours on it was over 6 month ago. I've tried with Last Updated By, but unfortunately that counts in any text update made on project. Any ideas? Dagmara Garwell BAKKAVOR LTD

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3 Replies


Level 10
Hi Dagmara, A filter on the "hours" collection should do the trick. Here's the syntax. One caveat, my coffee just began flowing. hours:entryDate=$$TODAY-6m hours:entryDate_Mod=lt --Narayan


Level 10
Hi Narayan, I've tried that and unfortunately it still shows projects which have had hours logged between today and 6 months :( That's where i'm stuck at. Dagmara Garwell BAKKAVOR LTD


Level 10
Good try, Narayan; but with no "max" concept, I suspect the filter you offered is simply returning "long" projects that had hours entered against them over 6 months ago...even if they also had hours entered against them more recently, There's a way to do this with a NOTEXISTS, but since I haven't even STARTED my coffee, I'm in no condition to attempt it yet. Instead, Dags, although crude (but effective), assuming the projects in question all have at least one hour entry against them I suggest you make an hours based report that returns the max entry date of the hours, grouped by project, and (optionally, if it will render) charted as a column chart, with time along the horizontal axis (eg to the Month) stacking the projects. In this fashion, you can then see the most recent (max) Hour entered for any given project. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads