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Power tip - creating predecessor links via the API


Level 10
Hi, I just worked this out today and thought others might find it useful in two ways: This specific example shows how to link two predecessors to a successor task. For more than two predecessors, just add more following the same format. I've highlighted the bits you need to edit in yellow . Applying this API query structure allows you to write other collection type sub-objects within another object. E.g. Adding PTO against a User etc. https:// yourhostname .my.workfront.com/attask/api/v9.0/TASK?apiKey= InsertYourAPIKey &method=PUT&updates=[{"ID":" InsertSuccessorTaskID ","predecessors":[{"objCode":"PRED","predecessorID":" InsertPredeccessorTaskAID ","predecessorType":"fs"},{"objCode":"PRED","predecessorID":" InsertPredeccessorTaskBID ","predecessorType":"fs"}]}] Hope this helps someone. We really need a master place to store this stuff..... Regards, David Cornwell
2 Replies


Level 3
Hi David, I know you are also using azuqua. Did you use an HTTP get card or use the search records to pull the predecessor list? I am having trouble pulling any of the properties underneath the PRED object list. Any direction you can provide is appreciated. Thanks Dale Whitchurch Arthrex Inc


Level 10
Hi Dale, I haven't actually used this via Azuqua yet, but just through a REST client on my PC. Having said that, it should work the same. One thing I neglected to mention is that the query method is a PUT, so in Azuqua you would need to use a HTTP PUT card. This query is for creating the predecessor relationships on a task. If you just wanted to read the existing predecessors from a task via an HTTP GET card, you need to include in the fields section, for example: ...&fields=predecessors:predecessor:* This will return all fields from each predecessor of the task. Let me know if any other queries. Regards, David Cornwell