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NOTEXISTS filter for Projects from Templates


Community Advisor
In my housekeeping dashboard, I have a project report that tells me how many projects were created from each template in the system. I'm interested in knowing which templates have not been used in more than 6 months (or however long). The current project report will show templates that have been under-utilized so long as 1 or more project was made from the template. But it won't show me templates that were used 0 times. I tried to draft a NOTEXISTS filter to show templates where no projects existed; but I think EXISTS can only evaluate collections. So I can look for templates that have no documents (or do have documents); but projects is not a collection on the TMPL object. Can anyone confirm that it's not possible to display a list of templates that have never been used; or not used during a timeframe? William English T-Mobile Marketing & Experience
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2 Replies


Level 7
Try this in a Template Report...in the Filter tab, switch to text mode and add the following: EXISTS:a:$$EXISTSMOD=NOTEXISTS EXISTS:a:$$OBJCODE=PROJ EXISTS:a:templateID=FIELD:ID I just tried this in my instance, and it populated with a list of Templates, which when I double checked the list by running a project report where project template ID equated to a template in this template report, it came back with 0. So, upon this quick check, the above code seems to work. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Community Advisor
Oh nice, we aren't limited to collections like I thought. Thanks Terry!
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