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Notes at the project level


Level 2
I am looking for a codesnippet that will pull the last note that would have been entered in the project status window including the owner and date entered. I was hoping to be able to modifiy the codesnippet listed below, but I have not been successful. It looks like this information may not be capatured in WF. displayname=Latest Update namekey=latest update textmode=true valueexpression=IF(LEN({lastNote}.{noteText})>140, CONCAT(SUBSTR({lastNote}.{noteText},0,139),"...(open for more) -- ", {lastNote}.{owner}.{name}," on ", {lastNote}.{entryDate}), IF(LEN({lastNote}.{noteText})>0, CONCAT({lastNote}.{noteText}," -- ", {lastNote}.{owner}.{name}," on ", {lastNote}.{entryDate}))) valueformat=HTML

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