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Do you have questions about the migration to Adobe Business Platform? Come join our upcoming coffee break and ask away!

Next Chicago User Group October 9!


Level 2
Hope Chicagoland folks can join us at the Aon Center for the next user group. I hear we'll be talking Agile and integrations. Event page is at "http://lp.workfront.com/ChicagoUG_Oct2018.html">http://lp.workfront.com/ChicagoUG_Oct2018.html Looking forward to seeing you there! Kristin Rakshys JLL
10 Replies


Level 2
I'll be there! Looking forward to it. Yvette Yvette Jaskiewicz Marketing Project Manager yjaskiewicz@choosechicago.com


Level 1
Unfortunately I am gone on my honeymoon that week. Any chance someone will be recording this meeting. We are looking at Fusion now as a company and I would love to hear any conversation around integration from other users! Donna Thorson Crate and Barrel


Level 4
Any chance this could be offered via Zoom/Skype? Thanks! Sana Perry National Heritage Academies, Inc.


Level 2
We can use a webex for others to join remotely. Webex has the capability to record, which we can do but it will be difficult to track the small one-off conversations. Kristin Rakshys JLL


Level 7
We're in West Michigan and not sure Ill be able to make the trip on this date. I would love to hear about the experiences others are having with Agile, integrations, and Fusion as we are on the cusp of a direction - either all in or keeping things separate. Would love to participate via Webex or Facetime or hear a recording. Something digital if Im not able to make the trip in person. Thanks! ERIN REED National Heritage Academies, Inc.


Level 7
Often times we will have ipads or phones to facetime w/ people who cant attend our trainings we offer at our head quarters. I know thats a lot to manage but just a thought. Thanks for offering to do it via webex that will be great. Im eager to hear from others on the topic. Thanks! ERIN REED National Heritage Academies, Inc.


Level 4
Hi Kristin, Are you able to share the call-in information for tomorrow's meeting? Thanks! Sana Sana Perry National Heritage Academies, Inc.


Level 5
For those of you that are planning to call in, please note that it usually takes 15-20 minutes to get everyone in the room there and settled with their food at the beginning of the event. I wouldn't expect the call to start until about 5:15-5:20ish. Thanks! Alison Milbury Workfront Community Manager


Level 5
In case you didn't get the confirmation emails with the parking details, here they are: http://aoncenter.info/pdf/ParkingDirections1-14-15.pdf Alison Milbury Workfront Community Manager


Level 2
"https://jll.webex.com/jll/j.php?MTID=m8e627b7ec3f9cc525adbb9691563cc1b">Join Webex meeting Meeting number: 741 620 936 Join by phone Call-in toll-free number: "tel:1-866-2599955,,*00*3122283039%23,,,%23">1-866-2599955 (US) Call-in number: "tel:+1-702-5994013,,*00*3122283039%23,,,%23">1-702-5994013 (US) Conference Code: 312 228 3039 Kristin Rakshys JLL