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Monthly activity reports


Level 2
Hello, my boss would like a monthly activity report that details what members of her team have accomplished in the past month--this should include tasks and issues. I realize there will be some text mode involved, but I am not sure where to start. Also, do you have recommendations for other reports that team managers would like to have? Thank you!

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2 Replies


Level 5
We recently launched Workfront for our Technology team and our configuration consultant created this report that we included on our custom My Team Dashboard: My Recently Completed Team Tasks Hopefully the screenshot provides enough information that you can recreate it and customize it for yourself. I also created an Exec Dash with 5 specific reports included that were the basis for gaining our President's approval in purchasing Workfront (snapshot also included)


Level 2
Tracy, this is very helpful, thank you. I had my consultant help me with a similar report that shows incomplete items using the user wildcard in the manager ID field, so my boss only sees the incomplete work for her direct team. I used text mode to share columns--my team works on both tasks and issues regularly. I also use a report prompt so that she can look at one individual user or all of us at once. I attached a screenshot in case this is something you could use, as well.