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Migrating from Legacy Resource Estimates to Resource Budgeting


Level 5
Well I am thoroughly confused so I am hoping for some guidance. I am working through the steps associated with this Help article: "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003081674?page=1#comment_360000772093">Migrating from Legacy Resource Estimates to Resource Budgeting We have been using Legacy Resource Estimates since launching (January 2017). With the move to Resource Budgeting and deprecation of the Legacy tool, our staff have been instructed to complete both sections on more recent projects to get used to the new tool. I need to ensure we don't lose any historical data where the new tool wasn't used previously. In trying to ensure the Resource Budgeting section matches hours exactly to the Legacy Resource section (as that is what was approved in the Business Case) I have tried both a Project View and a Resource Estimate Report to show where the two sets of labour hours do not match. While my example is for two projects in particular, I am experiencing this across almost all of my projects. Here is my confusion: 1) Project View: For the two projects showing, LEGACY Budget Hours don't match Work nor Planned Hours (rounded # of Work). 2) Resource Estimates Report : Same projects showing the same variance between the two types of hours. So I open both projects to edit the Resource Budgeting section so it matches the Legacy Resource Estimates section and MAGICALLY they already do! New Owner Update project New Nissan RSA # project Aside from the irritating rounding issues which I can't explain, can someone help me understand how this can be? What am I missing? Without a proper Project view or report, I will have to manually check every project business case we have in our system before the deprecation happens. Thanks in advance Tracy Fox Project Manager / Workfront SysAdmin Sykes Assistance Services Corporation

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Level 5
I wanted to update this post with an email discussion I had with Alina a Workfront Technical Writer. My responses are noted in Bold Italics . I hope it helps others. ~~ Hi, Tracy, Thank you for your question on this article (below). The reason there is no mention of a Status in this article is because it should not matter: you should be able to edit the Resource Budgeting area of the Business Case, regardless of the Status of the project. However, this is not actually working in Production yet. Yes Production is where I was having the issue. It was fixed in Preview (you can try it there to make sure) and it will be fixed with the Production release (October - November timeline). I have confirmed it works in Preview. Right now, the workaround for this in Production is to edit your resources for that project that is not in a Current status in the Resource Planner. I hope this is helpful, but please let me know if you have additional questions. Also, I noticed that you made a comment on the Community site about this article as well. Unfortunately, if you want to do this manually yourself (and you are following the instructions in this article) what you said in Community is true: you will have to go to each project's Business Case and visually see that they match - this is stated in the article. I understand this is time consuming, and I am sorry about this. Another option is to wait for the migration of data to be available (there is a note about this in the article - yes I was waiting on more info ) and that might make it easier for the transition. We will post updates on that migration on this article, just as soon as I have them. My only concern about using the migration option is that it may migrate inaccurate data (and this could be a lack of understanding on my part). For example, our Legacy Resource hours are based on the project plan when it is scoped by a Business Analyst and approved by management. When the project is assigned and scheduled, there are times when modifications happen to the project plan due to Change Requests. Once the CR is approved, we update the project plan and only the Expenses area of the business case (not resourcing). My fear is that the migration won't migrate the Legacy Resources hours as documented in the Business Case, but more so the plan hours in the project overall thus creating a false labour cost and variance from the approved Business Case. As you suggested above, I may try to use the Resource Planner using my Legacy Hours report (sample from the Community post) to get the manual migration done. Those are legitimate fears. I have spoken with our Product Manager on this feature (Resource Planning) and he assured me that during the automatic transition, they will only transfer Budgeted Hours, and they will not touch Planned Hours at all. So, if you budget your hours in the Legacy Resource Estimates area, only those (your Resource Estimates) will transfer to the Resource Budgeting area (or Resource Planner). ~~ Tracy Fox Project Manager / Workfront SysAdmin Sykes Assistance Services Corporation