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Metadata Mapping


Level 4
Has anyone else experienced issues w/ metadata mapping and specifically pushing the data from WF to WebDAM. Also, has anyone been able to associate data from a Project custom form to a document's custom form, which is how I'm assuming the metadata gets pushed to WebDAM. Thanks! Christine Zhu Chobani

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3 Replies


Level 10
Hi @Christine Zhu , I matched the issue form to a document form, used API and programming to match issue fields to the document form. All done automatically. This is done on a daily basis and all documents processed that day is moved to a folder - again by programming. Then the DAM librarian just gets notified when there are assets in the folder waiting for her to move to the DAM. Moving the assets to the DAM is the only manual process we have currently. Polly Co


Level 1
Hi @Polly Co . We currently match custom forms to each asset to push the metadata to the DAM- all done manually. It's time consuming and not efficient really. I've been looking for solutions and yours looks like it's just what we would need. Would you be open to speaking with me? Would love to know how you did it. Please reach out if you are: xvazquez@gmh.edu Thanks in advance! Ximena Vazquez Grady Hospital Ximena Vazquez Grady Health System


Level 10
Thats great @Polly Co . It will be great you share this experience with us parallelly when can give time to others. With regards, Kundan Kumar Email: kundan.kumar@kvernelandgroup.com Kundan Kumar KGON - (Kverneland Group Operations Norway AS)