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Meet, Greet, Share and Learn -- Workfront USERS


Level 1
How often does this group get together to share ideas and expertise? Doesn't look like it is all that often. Is there no interest in doing at least a quarterly thing? Mike Meservy Sentinel Security Life
3 Replies


Level 9
Hi Mike, I'm not 100% certain of how it all comes together, but areas with official WF user groups meet a few times a year. Check out the Regional Groups section (looks like you're based in "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home?CommunityKey=e3a7c9ed-c649-4e83-9de3-e8cbafe8bc37" Utah )and join your local group if you haven't already and you (hopefully) will see an event scheduled in the near future. As far as timing, I know at my last local meeting they mentioned specifically they wouldn't be doing one in the immediate lead up and aftermath of the huge Leap conference. Anthony Pernice Healthcare Consultancy Group


Level 5
Hello @Mike Meservy I think you may have meant to post this in the "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home?communitykey=e3a7c9ed-c649-4e83-9de3-e8cbafe8bc37&tab=groupdetails">Greater SLC User Group . We typically do local meet-ups twice a year. Once in the spring and once in the fall with Leap landing in the middle. Now that Leap is over, we will be contacting our Steering Committees to find hosts and get our fall meetings scheduled. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks! Alison Milbury Workfront Community Manager


Level 1
Thanks, you are right I did want that to go into Greater SLC Users thread. Has anyone ever tried to set up a more frequent Meetup for Workfront users alone the Wasatch front? Would that be something that Workfront would be interested in sponsoring? Mike Meservy Sentinel Security Life