Is it possible to manually change a task color without conditional formatting? Not sure if this is still possible, but I was previously able to create a Custom Form to make a Task color red. I could then attach this Custom Form to a Task in a Timeline or Timeline Template which would reflect in the Task List.
Use case: I'd like to make all client-related tasks red (Client Reviews, Client Presentations, etc).
I'm already aware of conditional formatting, but this would require a rule to be created, ex: Task Names that contain 'Client.' However, not all tasks that include 'Client' need to be red (ex: Revise based on Client Feedback). I could do a workaround like including a symbol, such as *, but I want to keep my Task Names clean. I also don't want to create a series of rules that include specific language in case a PM decides to change the Task Name, or use Task language that doesn't meet the criteria.
Any solutions/ideas? Thanks in advance!