In the most basic of terms, those people added to a proof will see it and can mark it up. So just add ONLY who you want. However, if others have full access to a project in Workfront itself, they will be able to see the proof by opening the documents tab and selecting the proof to look at. I would take a look at who is allowed to see this particular project by viewing your "share" area and your "staffing" under the "more" tab. **side note- If you use templates to create projects like this in future, you would also want to double check who is on that version of the template or custom form attached to the template. After 4 years doing this, I still find hidden gems in those areas and have to tweak it. Remember, anyone who has access to the project and tags another person in the project updates, that action will give the tagged person full access to the project and in turn they would be able to seek out the proof you want to limit. We have Embargo elements we don't want everyone to see as well, and have chosen (this year) to separate those pieces into a "proofing project" away from the "Campaign project" where everyone has visibility. This keeps the Embargo elements very restricted with less of a chance that someone could be added accidently by tagging. So far, no slip up's. Hope any part of this was helpful. Samantha Senior Specialist, Creative Services 817-424-2186