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Limit the number of lines showing on report


Level 8
Hello all- I have a request to create a report with the description field, but to limit it to only show the first 2 lines (some of our descriptions are a bit lengthly). I've tried adding in text mode a height=X line, but it didn't work. Any suggestions? Is this even possible? Thanks!

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3 Replies


Level 3
Hi Wendy, I'm not sure about the line height, but one other option is to truncate the description field on the report to however many characters works with your column width. So, the following would give you only the first 90 characters of the field: valueexpression=LEFT({description},90) If you wanted to get really fancy, you could put an ellipsis or something after it to indicate there's more text they aren't seeing on the ones that are truncated: valueexpression=IF(LEN({description})>90, CONCAT(LEFT({description},90),"..."),LEFT({description},90)) Kathy


Level 8
Thank you, Kathy! That worked perfectly. And I went with the fancy version. :)


Level 2
Thanks Kathy! Community to the rescue. :)