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Issues Adding Parent Tasks on Projects


Level 8
I'm having a hard time setting up projects when I need to add parent tasks and it's been slowing me down significantly this week so far. I constantly have to refresh my browser for the indentations to line up correctly and sometimes that doesn't always work. (when using the right and left arrows at the top of the tasks tab) I've tried dragging and dropping and this seems to create a bigger mess for me, so I try to avoid this when I can. Is anyone else experiencing this and has anyone found a workaround that allows you to create parent tasks quickly on projects without creating a mess? Or maybe I just need to put in a Workfront ticket? Thanks! Sydney Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.
4 Replies


Level 10
Hi Sydney, Unfortunately I just think it's the clunkiness of the product for the time being. I agree it takes more time than it should, but I don't think we'll find relief until they do something in a release. I recently took a survey with someone from WF and I did mention that clunkiness. So I'm sure they're working on it right now – ha ha ha. For the time being the only thing I've been able to find that helps when dragging and dropping are two things. Our original WF Implementation consultant recommended grabbing the task between the select box and the Task name. That's the sweet spot (see attached). It's worked well for me. When dropping, we have to have the dexterity and quickness of a video game. When you get the blue line between the tasks you want, release!!! Don't hesitate or hover because the blue line will encircle the task and move your task underneath it as a child. You probably know those already, but figured I'd throw it out just in case. And in case others find it helpful.


Level 9
I always felt that the indent/outdent thing was a good idea but not executed terribly well. The advice I've given to my users is to click in to the parent task and then go to the Subtasks tab. That allows you add and edit tasks within that parent task without having to deal with indenting and all that. I hope that helps a bit! Anthony Pernice Healthcare Consultancy Group


Level 10
Just know that you are not alone, Sydney. As Vic put it, there is a "clunkiness" issue that could stand improvement in terms of easy task management. One of the big ones that out PMs had issues with is the drag-and-drop. If they selected a task to move, but hovered just a little to long where they wanted to put it, it would become a child to the task just above it, rather than the task just moving. That along with some of the other things listed here makes them less than happy. I'm really hoping this gets addressed this year, but based on David's "right click going away" post, I'm a little concerned. :) Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU


Level 7
Have you tried this in Preview with the changes Workfront is making to project task lists? I tried indenting/outdenting and also dragging and dropping tasks in Preview (2019.1 beta 4) and it was a lot faster and seemed less clunky than how it currently works. Perhaps one of the few upsides to the new way that lists function? FYI, I'm currently finding task lists in Preview to be very finicky due to the newly added full-screen display function (where the header info disappears as you scroll down through a task list) yet dragging and dropping tasks still worked solidly. Barbara Sedlack BMO Financial Group