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Is there a way to track how many times a file is uploaded to the system and the date of each upload?


Level 1
Hi there! We are a packaging design group that services several of our company's sites. We use Workfront internally only as a project tracker and system to house iterations of design, approvals of same and report on the workload of the department. Because we work the packaging materials each project typically involves several individual pieces of artwork. Historically, we've input each project with the individual items grouped. However, we haven't been able to track the number of iterations of any one piece, nor can we report on the lifecycle of the individual pieces, only on the project as a whole. Is there a way to set up our reporting that would capture this or do we need to change the manner in which we input projects? Does each piece need to be given its own task line or treated as child projects of a larger parent? Please help! With the new requests in reporting, we're finding it necessary to track our projects in WF as well as maintain an Excel workbook that houses the minutia of iterations and lifecycle detail. Thank you, Tiffany Alere is now Abbott. Tiffany Burnam García Supervisor, Global Product Labeling and Document Control ARDx: Integrated Marketing Alere, Inc. 9975 Summers Ridge Road San Diego, CA 92121 USA Office +1 858-805-8941 tiffany.burnamgarcia@alere.com This communication may contain information that is proprietary, confidential, or exempt from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please note that any other dissemination, distribution, use or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Anyone who receives this message in error should notify the sender immediately by telephone or by return e-mail and delete it from his or her computer.
1 Reply


Level 7
Hi Tiffany, I would recommend a slight adjustment to your workflow process, and have new uploads of the same file go in as versions. This will allow you to keep track of each time a new version is uploaded, as well as the date it was uploaded. I hope this helps! Thanks, Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront