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Inline Edit Document Custom Form in Report?


Level 2
Hello all, I'm working on a task to clean up large documents from our instance of Workfront. I've built a report that lists all documents over a certain size. I've created a custom form called "Can Delete?" and added it as a column within my report. The idea is that the owners of the documents can review the list and simply check "Yes" or "No" if the document can be deleted from Workfront. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like this custom form is editable within the report. I'm testing this as an admin, so I don't believe it's a user access issues. Am I missing something, or is it not possible to edit document custom forms within a report? Thanks in advance! Alexi Glines iProspect

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2 Replies


Level 10
Hi Alexi, Yes, you are correct: custom forms on documents cannot be edited via views, reports, or bulk edits: each must be opened individually, then typed into on the right hand side of the window. Quite a few clicks; enough, in fact, to (ahem) point out to your users that rather than tagging it as "can delete", it's in fact less work to...just..actually...delete (especially with the recycle bin safety net under you). Alternatively, another technique I've started using is to create a special Project (e.g. called "Docs To Delete"), and have the user move them there, for later deletion (e.g. upon final review, by someone with delete docs rights). Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 3
Custom forms on a project or task however can be edited within a report. I have a report where the user pastes in the file name of the final approved file to a custom field before sending it for distribution and it works fine. Maybe if you re-configured your approach? Randy Roberts ZPA - Zimmerman Advertising LLC