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If you use the API to create a WF company - warning


Level 3
Just stumbled on this I use the API to create companies to support some automation between WorkFront and SalesForce... When a New Company in SalesForce is added many times I need to add that some company in Workfront. Long story short I found out that there is a new field not visible to API v10 and below called isActive. It is available in API Unsupported. My automation does not set isActive to true and the default seems to be FALSE (bad coding in my mind - why would I want to have a new company be inactive by default). Impact of this new 'feature' is that when I create a project for that company it is not available to be selected .... I quickly build a HTTP Put to resolve this... just passing on to anyone who uses the API to build companies in WF Sample PUT - some data obscured https://xxxxxxxx.my.workfront.com/attask/api/unsupported/CMPY/5c8a4xxxxxxxxxx86b36a193b?updates={isA... Jim Brown FujiFilm Medical Systems, USA

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3 Replies


Level 3
Hi Jim, thanks for the discussion. What you have stated here was correct for anything created within the last week (March 7 - Mar 13). Last night we pushed a patch that addressed this situation, and I have updated our documentation page for this release: "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018813534">https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018813534 The important piece of that as far as the API is concerned is this: When creating these objects via the Workfront API version 10 and earlier, the default value for the "isActive" parameter is true. This is a new field and is not available for you to edit prior to version 11 of the API. Beginning with version 11 you must set the "isActive" parameter to "true" or else the default for creating new objects will be "false". However, a value of "false" does not affect API availability, and anything that you create via the API can also be used via the API regardless of the "isActive" setting. For example, if you create a Company via the API, you can also attach the Company to a Project via the API whether the "isActive" parameter is set to "true" or "false." FYI, while version 11 is not the officially supported version just yet, it is available to use. Josh Hardman Product Manager, Workfront


Level 3
I can concur that the patch did resolve the issue I described and experienced. I understand that as long as API 10 and below are used, the Company create action will default to isActive = yes. Once I move to API 11 or higher I will need to be sure and set isActive = yes if that is my desired state. Jim Brown FujiFilm Medical Systems, USA


Level 5
After seeking feedback and current use cases, we have decided that the default for all isActive tags will be true starting at API v11. So isActive will always be true for all objects and all versions EXCEPT Portfolios and HourTypes which have been isActive = False as the default will maintain this default in version < v11 Also if anyone would like to schedule time to speak to me at Leap: https://calendly.com/melindalayten/leap1on1 Melinda Layten Technical Project Manager - API and Integration Workfront