Hi Ming,
I’m so glad that helped! As far as the syntax goes…
When you query a “collection” (which is what you’re doing here), you can end up with more than one value per item (in this case, project). If we had said “valuefield=name” rather than using an “IF” statement in a valueexpression, you would see a long list of all the task names. The “listdelimiter” line is what tells it how to break up that list. What I show in the example I gave you is a Unicode Character that is a zero width non-breaking space (I think there are other codes that do the same thing…that was just the first one I saw in an example, so I keep it handy). Here are the ones I most commonly use (which I’ve collected from various examples over time):
No line break, no space between each item No line break but puts a space in between each item Each item goes on a new line ( does the same thing) (html rather than Unicode) (Maybe other folks out there will have some other neat examples they can add.)
As far as the “type=iterate” and “listmethod” line items, I wish I could help you more there. I’ve done quite a bit of shooting in the dark at trying to change these to other things to see if I can get different results, but I’ve never had anything else work. Somehow I visualize a random sticky note or piece of paper on a Workfront developer’s desk that has all the acceptable syntax options for collections. Little do they know how much we would pay for it if they auctioned it on eBay.