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How do I create a custom attribute that pulls information from a parent object?


Level 10
Hi - I want to create a custom text attribute on the task object. I want that new attribute to have the name of the project owner. I've tried a calculated expression of parent.owner.name, FIELD:project.owner.name, {project}.{owner}.{name} and none of them work. Does anyone know how to create a custom calculated text attribute on the task object that looks at the parent data? Thanks! Eric

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5 Replies


Level 2
I've done this on a task level custom form with: Project.Owner.Name


Level 10
{{Amy}} That worked! I didn’t consider capitalization. Oh you made my day. Thanks! Eric


Level 4
Is there a way to do the same thing using a calculated field from the parent? So if I have a custom field that calculates result in parent task can I get that same value to populate to a different custom field in a child task?


Level 2
Hi Aaron, The syntax of a child task to pull a custom field value from a parent task, is "Parent.{DE:fieldName}" - I tested this using a child task pulling a field called "Rooms Used", so my custom field calculated value is... Parent.Rooms Used ( or, Parent.{DE:Rooms Used} ) Using the "Parent" reference, the field would need to exist on the direct parent task. "Parent.Parent" works to an extent, if you need to go up multiple layers. You can use similar references to connected objects by changing the reference object (e.g. Project.Field Name ) Thanks!


Level 4
Haven, That worked! Thanks for the help. Aaron