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Hour Allocation


Level 3
So I have been using this formula for task planned allocation, and it is very helpful. But I was wondering if anyone could help me with creating one for actual hours? Here is the planned hours allocation formula: displayname=Task Allocation (Hours) listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(assignments).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=CONCAT({assignedTo}.{name}," - ",{work}/60," Hours") valueformat=HTML Emily Byrne The Starr Conspiracy

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1 Reply


Level 10
This one works for Actual Hours on tasks reports: displayname=Hours Logged listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(hours).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=CONCAT({owner}.{name}," - ",{hours}," Hours") valueformat=HTML Albeit if you've got loads of hours entries on a task, the list will be long too.. Dagmara Garwell BAKKAVOR LTD