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Has anyone been able to export data from Workfront then open it in MS Project?


Level 3
The 'Export MS Project' from Project Actions has an issue, as soon as you open the xml file in MS Projects, the dates are incorrect. Raised this issue few months ago with Support team. While the product team is fixing the issue, I wonder if anyone has other option of getting this data easily out of Workfront. I tried exporting it to excel but it requires mapping of fields.
2 Replies


Level 10
Hi: Yes, I used to do this a lot. The dates are wrong because the calendar doesn’t come over. We found that the relationships come over just fine, and the MUST START, MUST FINISH, and FIXED DATES work fine, but because the WorkFront calendar / schedule doesn’t work the same way in MS Project, the dates get recalculated. I didn’t open a defect because MS Project doesn’t have the concept of a project calendar, a user calendar, and user time off. Ideally, WorkFront would massage their calendar and send that to MS Project somehow, that would be neat, but that is a feature request. WorkFront (okay, AtTask) used to provide much better support of MS Project, but I got the impression in 2014 that AtTask didn’t want to make it easy to use MS Project with their tool. I can understand that. Thanks! Eric


Level 2
When opening as an MPP file, I notice that not all the fields are available. Has anyone else had success when exporting to XML and then having all the fields in MPP? Annikki Desmarais Cantactix Solutions Inc.