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Grant access to resolving project for a requestor in a template


Level 2
I have created a template that our team uses to convert an incoming request from a request queue into a project. How do I automatically grant the original requestor access to the resolving object for their request? Thanks!
4 Replies


Level 10
We grant the requestor access to the project via the Queue Setup / Queue Details of the Project that's set up for the request process with the field option below. When someone makes a request, automatically grant... -> Contribute Access. I haven't seen it done via a template.


Level 2
I have that setup as Manage access as well. But doesn't that just grant access to the project with the request queue? I'm wondering how to automatically grant the requester access to the project that is created to resolve that request, not the original project set up with the request queue to intake requests.


Level 10
When someone makes a request, automatically grant... -> Contribute Access This is the access granted after the request is converted to the project. The access for the Project with the request queue is managed by the sharing of the project itself (under Project Actions -> Sharing on the right corner of the project screen). There is a project sharing as well on the template side (this time it says Template Actions -> Project Sharing) but this is a general access grant, it's not specific to the requestor.


Level 8
We add our sponsor as a Project Sponsor on the project, which will then give them view access to the project (but we have a feature request open so it doesn’t automatically give them access) Adina