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Global setting - task tracking mode?


Level 1
We're running into problems having projects show 'At Risk' when a task isn't started in workfront on time. I understand the way around this is to set task tracking mode to 'Ignore late warnings' but doesn't anyone know of a place to make this a global (or portfolio specific) setting? I could edit all my template tasks for that, but as soon as anyone adds a new task it wouldn't have that setting, so it defeats the purpose. Feels like there should be a system admin setting to set that default. I'm hoping I just haven't looked in the right place yet? MicheleBrinkertTillamook Cheese
1 Reply


Level 10
hi Michele, if you go to https://experience.workfront.com/s/article/Setting-Project-Preferences-1883392298 and read up on "Automatically set the project's condition based on the progress status" you'll find that if you keep that checked off, it will make it so that new projects will have the project condition set to manual, so that PMs need to personally toggle the project condition in order to change it to at risk, or in trouble. It's just the way (our) PMs prefer to have it, so that they can use the project condition for a different meaning than deadline driven tasks. Your other option would be to keep it as automatic, but then set it to manual within specific templates (or vice versa) to let different types of projects do it different ways. -skye