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Fix For Some Issues With Planned Hours On The Assignment Object Type


Level 10
Hi - we are currently working on an API project where we can easily role up assignments by person/role and the Project Owner can easily add hours. (SIDE NOTE: We use Simple Duration Type for our tasks so you can have separate hours for different assignees on a task) One thing we ran into is that the hours on the assignment object type didn't work if the task was created via in the interface with 0 planned hours or with planned hours entered and they are evenly distributed. There is a field called "isWorkRequiredLocked". So if you'd like to manipulate those hours via the API, you need to run a task call that turns that field to False. I hope I'm explaining that clear enough because that has been a HUGE help to us with some of the work we want to do, so I wanted to share. Anthony Imgrund FCB

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