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Feature Requests - who would like to see a dedicated area of the community for these?


Level 10
Hi, I believe it would be very useful to have a dedicated area of the Workfront Community where we can all submit feature requests and provide feedback / votes to highlight the areas of customer demand to Workfront's product management team. I personally have a lot of feature requests already submitted via hub.workfront.com and no doubt there are lots of other great feature requests out there, so if you think this is a good idea please add your support here. Regards, David.
22 Replies


Level 4
Sounds good to me. Even if it's just to "Vote Up" current feature requests.


Level 4
Ditto! Have already submitted a couple tickets regarding having to log in two spots as some of our helpdesk tickets end up turning into feature requests. Having visiblity on what is out there and rating would be awesome to see how much, if any traction a feature request is getting.


Level 2
I would like to see that with a vote up option


Level 1
Absolutely, the voice of the customer should always be considered in driving the product forward.


Level 4
Yes Please! Would be so helpful.


Level 7
YES, YES, YES!! Would save a ton on duplicate requests and you could easily see how many customers support any given request.


Level 2
Agreed. The vote up feature would be great. Make it happen Nate Bagley


Level 4
It would be interesting to see enhancement requests and software bugs. Gives us an indication of which areas within Workfront are more used. Thank you.


Level 9
This is phenomenal feedback everyone! Thank you. I will make it a priority to find or create a solution for you all! Will keep you in the loop as I make progress. -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 4
This is a great idea. I'm a reglar contributor to hub.workfront.com, but I'd like to learn and support other user's ideas. ~Jeff


Level 1
Definitely! With the ability for the Workfront community to vote on the requests.


Level 10
Thanks everyone for your feedback, and thanks Nate for taking it on-board to deliver this.


Level 10
Hi Nate - have you had any luck with your feature request with the forum software vendor to get the feature request feature added?


Level 2
Agreed, it would be helpful to know which of my requests are a lone ranger or rather wouldn't be if others were in agreement after seeing an idea!


Level 2
Commenting to agree with everyone that up voting would be an amazing feature. And to follow this thread!


Level 9
Thanks for following up David. I actually just brought this up again in our team meeting this morning. We all agreed that this is a priority. It's important to us that when we do this, we do it right... especially with something that is obviously important to everyone here in the Community. Before launching a Feature Request forum we want to make sure that the right people will be listening and responding inside the forum. The last thing I want to do is create a thread for everyone to submit their ideas and have it turn into an echo chamber where you don't feel heard. That would only result in frustration on all fronts. Ideally, I'd also like to have right tools in place to make the conversation effective. We're working right now to get our community software vendor to implement some features like an "upvote" button, which I think would be highly valuable in identifying and giving attention to the most urgent and valuable feature suggestions. The only catch is that we're not sure exactly when that feature will be released. One alternative we discussed is creating a "Feature Ideas" forum that isn't an official "Feature Request" forum. The Feature Ideas forum would act as a place for everyone in the community to start having conversations, sharing ideas, and talking about the features and add-ons that are important to them. This forum would operate under the clear understanding that its purpose is solely to discuss ideas openly, and that they may or may not get implemented. It would not be an official "Feature Request Forum." Any feature requests would continue be submitted to the Product Team until further notice. If there's an interest for a Feature Ideas type of forum, I think I can get something set up soon. Feel free to respond with your thoughts/suggestions. I'm all ears. -Nate In Reply to David Cornwell:
Hi Nate - have you had any luck with your feature request with the forum software vendor to get the feature request feature added?
-Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 7
LOVE the idea…gotta make sure there’s enough interest so users aren’t spinning their wheels and waiting for a change that can’t be supported by enough clients. Kathy Naber Workfront Systems Admin, PMO [ http://udirect/styleguide/downloads/EmailGraphic.png] 118 Second Ave SE Post Office Box 73909 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52407-3909 knaber@unitedfiregroup.com< (O) 319-399-5813 (M) 319-551-1560


Level 10
I reckon it is worth proceeding with an 'Ideas Forum' as an interim step until an upvote feature hopefully becomes available in an official feature request area of the community. My suggestion of how to use the interim 'Ideas Forum' would be: Each feature idea should be started as its own thread. Don't add new ideas to existing threads. We can then get an idea of an idea's popularity via the number of views and replies. If other users like a feature idea, they should copy/paste the text into a proper feature request and then reply on the thread to indicate that they have done this. At least this way, the volume of demand will hopefully support the request. Re-using the idea text would also make it easier for time-poor users to submit, and more efficient for Workfront PMs to identify/group the requests. Regards, David