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External page in dashboards


Level 10
I have tried adding an external page through the dashboard eg https://www.google.ca/?gws_rd=ssl and when I save the dashboard, it just gives me the link to google and I don't see the page itself within the dashboard. I've tried a few other websites as well. How can I make it show the external page within the dashboard and not just a link?

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5 Replies


Level 10
Hi Polly and Sunil, There are a few gotchas around External Pages, which I'll explain using some examples I'd invite you to try for yourself as you follow along: They work best when the target is connected over https to a "friendly" site that allows itself to be framed (e.g. https://www.atappstore.com/default2.aspx ) When the target is friendly but connected over http (e.g. http://store.atappstore.com ), most browsers will not render the content until the end user "accepts" the risk of allowing the render, typically by clicking an icon of some sort (e.g. in Chrome, it's a little "shield" on the far right of the URL of the dashboard). This concept is called a "mixed content" violation, which you can read more about at https://www.howtogeek.com/181911/htg-explains-what-exactly-is-a-mixed-content-warning When a site is unfriendly, it does not "allow" itself to be framed. For our clients (who do remote field work in the Oil & Gas industry), we USED to put google maps in an iFrame so they could picture where the Workfront work was being performed (by constructing a url with the lat/long of the current project in it, if you're curious). However, a few years ago, presumably for branding purposes, Google made google maps "unfriendly" -- likely using the technique described at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Frame-Options -- so instead (after trying to defeat it, but giving up), we relented, and now "pop the map" in its own tab. Not quite as slick, but effective enough. Regards, Doug


Level 10
This is helpful, thanks, Doug. Nick Valeriote


Level 3
Hey Doug, I have been playing with external pages, too, and have had very little luck. I think all the pages I want are "unfriendly." How do you "pop" things into its own tab? I probably should know, but it sounds like it would be an acceptable option. Mavis Moon mmoon@pivotinteriors.com


Level 10
Hi Mavis, Nothing too fancy, but here's a "pop a Google Map" example. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore