Is there a way to create an email/correspondence/issue/request/whatever and, **as I create it**, associate it to a project and send it to a non-user, and then all future responses to that email are tracked as well? I know that with the Outlook plug-in, after I send/save the email I can highlight it and associate it to a project. But I want to associate and track it as I create it, not after I send/save it. Or I want to be able to go to a project in Workfront, and somewhere in there, click "New" and then it brings up a form or something where I can put an email address in, and the subject and body of a message, and send. And I want to be able to put in ANY email -- not a Workfront user -- and send from there. The idea is that we work with a lot of people on a project, and we do hundreds of projects, and we want to send a quick question or something and I want that email correspondence to be tracked inside the project, but I don't want to have to set that recipient up as a review only Workfront all the time. Mavis Moon Pivot Interiors Santa Clara, CA