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Document tags (keywords, etc) in Workfront


Level 3

This is going to sound like a complete noob question, which I am not, but here goes: Is there any way to put keywords of any sort on documents in Workfront -- plain old Word, PDF or jpg type documents in the documents tab. I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this is no, but I thought I'd ask. Use case: Preparing for future integrations, etc. Not mission-critical stuff.


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3 Replies


Level 10

Hi Michelle,

You could put the keywords in the Document Description, or create a custom form and attach it as needed to do likewise. At the extreme, you could even use our Extract Text solution to automatically “scrape” the contents out of the docs (eg text, Word, pdf) into a custom form so you can then search for terms of interest.




Level 8

I know that adding custom forms to docs has to be done individually (unless you have Fusion) and so that can be a pain if you're processing a lot of documents each day. I tried to train my users on it, but it just didn't get adopted.

One thing we do though is utilize a naming convention. Every project, task, document, and object in Workfront is named a certain way. This might be an option.


Community Advisor

We have a photography process which is handled by issues and we have a Keyword custom field on the issue. I can't remember if we were able to get that field to integrate with Workfront DAM and it pulls over when the document(s) on that issue is moved to the DAM or if it's manually copied to the DAM after, but either way I do recall that having that field saved some time having the keywords all in one place.