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Document Organization


Level 9
What are your best practices for creating a document library - or just saving documents -that are easy to reference and keep track of? -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:
14 Replies


Level 10
We have a structure that models the project phases. For example, the project repository for a Waterfall IT project looks like this (at the highest level): [cid:image001.jpg@01D26B4E.3529AAF0] In each folder, there might be additional sub-folders (especially in the Design and Test folders). I used to have a folder that had a copy of every template they might use, but that became difficult to keep updated, so we don’t do that anymore. That’s what we do! Eric


Level 3

I created Smart folder with specific logic. Attached my folder screenshot. Thanks0690z000007ZkKTAA0.jpg


Level 10
What makes them a Smart Folder? When I create folders, I don’t have that gear icon in the lower right corner. Please advise. Thanks! Eric


Level 3
Smart folder has option to set logic. For example, you want to create a folder and name it "MD Rahman Document" for specific Workfront documents. If any document name has constrain "Workfront", it automatically goes to that folder. You don't need to pull into folder. When you update any document to Workfront and document name constrain "Workfront", it automatically goes to Md Rahman Document folder. See Attached screenshot. Thanks


Level 10
Hi - I don’t have that option when I create folders. Do you have ProofHQ? Do you have any extra module in WorkFront? I’m the SysAdmin, so I don’t think it is a permissions thing. Does anyone know we can get SmartFolders? Thanks, Eric


Level 10

Hi Doug,

Yeah I've just checked ours and yes we have got options to create SmartFolder.0690z000007ZkKEAA0.png


Level 10
Hi: I figured it out. Smart Folders are only available from the global navigation bar, NOT within each project. If you just want a repository where you can put stuff, not organized by project, you can use SmartFolders. https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/216452478-Creating-and-Managing-Smart-Folders- I had hoped SmartFolders worked at the project level, but they don't. There we have it. Mystery solved. Eric


Level 10
Correction. SmartFolders allow me to look at all documents uploaded to WorkFront, using filter criteria. For example, we have an artifact called a Total Cost of Ownership spreadsheet (TCO). I created a filter that only shows me all artifacts in any document repository (project, issue, task, whatever) that has the letters TCO in the name. While I can store stuff there not related to any project, I can view everything associated with a project by filtering it down. Can someone tell me how they get a lot of value from doing this? How does SmartFolders make your life simpler? Thanks! Eric PS - Nate, I know this isn’t where you wanted this thread to go, but thanks for indulging this digression.


Level 9
Similar to Eric we set up folders based on the different milestones within our typical project flow. We created them in our templates so they are automatically populated when a PM converts an issue/request to a project. It helped us set-up and maintain consistency for sure. That said, it's on our current road map as a future evolution to improve further.....especially as we look to introduce ProofHQ as a standard practice.


Level 9
Excellent question, Eric. I was wondering the same thing since it's not at the project level. Would love to hear more use cases for Smart Folders.


Level 3
Hi Eric, I have no idea why you didn't see Smart folder gear. We didn't use Proof HQ. We don't have any extra permission. I am new Workfront system Admin. I am learning the tool. Thanks


Level 7
Smart folders don't make my life a lot simpler as we really don't use them much, BUT, I can see benefits. One smart folder we have is a "Large Documents" folder where Document size > 20000000. We can look at these and see if they are really necessary to keep. (This was more of an issue when we had a smaller allotment of disk space). And, like you said, it's a place where you can see documents ACROSS projects based on some certain criteria.


Level 1
When using WF as your true document repository, the power of Smart Folders allows you to query and find any document across your organization without having to drill down into each project. There are capabilities to add custom forms at the document object level where additional attributes/tags can be associated with each document and searched upon using Smart Folders.


Level 5
Hi Michael, How do you add this to the template for auto-creation of the project? Does it only work when converting request/issue? And for clarity, is it a smart folder? Trying to determine options or best practice for uploading files that may related to some but not all projects in a program or portfolio without uploading it multiple times (one for each relevant job). Also want it to be easy for our staff to know a) where to look for posted documents; b) where to consistently post project-related documents. Tammie Bouchard National Safety Council