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Display short external hyperlink


Former Community Member
I have a project report requirement for one column to display an external URL as a hyperlink such that users can view the report, select the link, and go to that site. This link is currently being entered as text into a custom paragraph text field (field is titled External Link for this thread). Each project in this specific portfolio will have a different link. The issue I am facing is the links tend to be far too long for reasonable reporting. I am looking for advice on how to truncate or replace with a text value (static or dynamic). Current setup in text mode is as follows: displayname= link.url=customDataLabelsAsString( External Link ) linkedname=direct namekey= External Link querysort=DE: External Link textmode=true valuefield= External Link valueformat=customDataLabelsAsString Any suggestions or solutions are appreciated. Paul Kahl HBO Master Instance

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2 Replies


Level 7
Hi Paul, you may find @Narayan Raum 's site helpful - see this page on his WFPro site: "https://wf-pro.com/textmode/text-mode-views/#user-friendly-url">Friendly URL (any Object) It provides helpful text mode code for presenting URLs. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Former Community Member
Custom Field - Custom Text was the answer I needed. Thank you! Paul Kahl