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Descriptive Text Hyperlink - can it have a relative reference in it?


Level 2
I have a descriptive text field on a project custom form. It tells the user that the values on the project form are regularly overwritten with the values from the identical program form, and that they need to go to the program custom form to make their changes. I want to use the descriptive text hyperlink to go directly to that project's program. Can this be done? Here is my work on the descriptive text field so far: Label: Notice Descriptive Text: Fields on this Project Custom Form are overwritten by data entered on the Program Custom Form via an automated process (UberCalc). Please enter updates for this project form at the Program level. Hyperlink: https://ciscocomm.my.workfront.com/program/view?ID={programID}&activeTab=form-customdata I want the part of the URL "ID={programID}" to pull the program ID of the project on which this custom form resides. Possible??? Thanks, Cory Cory Anderson
1 Reply


Level 2
I'm assuming it's not actually possible to to that in the descriptive text hyperlink. So I accomplished the same thing with a calculated field that concatenates the hyperlink together. That's working great. Calculated field label: Link to Program Custom Form Calculation: CONCAT("https://ciscocomm.my.workfront.com/program/view?ID=",Program ID,"&activeTab=form-customdata") Cory Anderson