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Custom field data not transferring to new object


Level 3
Hi! We have a custom field on an issue form called 'entered by' which automatically replicates with the requestor's name when a request is submitted. When the issue is converted to a task or project, this field will then change to the user's name who is converting the issue. It will not keep the original requestor's name. Is there another calculated field I can use that would capture the original requestor's name? Thank you! Kat To unsubscribe from receiving further commercial electronic messages from The Bank of Nova Scotia in Canada, please click here: https://unsubscribe.scotiabank.com?entid=BNS&buid=SBNK To unsubscribe from receiving further commercial electronic messages from certain other senders set out in the attached list, please click here: https://www.unsubscribe.gwm.scotiabank.com?page=gwm This email may contain confidential information the use of which by an unintended recipient is unauthorized. This email may also contain important disclosure information for the records of the intended recipient(s). For details please click here: http://www.scotiabank.com/email_disclaimer/email_english.html Pour vous d‚àö¬©sabonner et cesser de recevoir des messages ‚àö¬©lectroniques commerciaux de La Banque de Nouvelle-‚àö√¢cosse, veuillez cliquer ici : https://desabonnement.banquescotia.com?entid=BNS&buid=SBNK Pour vous d‚àö¬©sabonner et cesser de recevoir des messages ‚àö¬©lectroniques commerciaux de certains autres exp‚àö¬©diteurs figurant dans la liste ci-jointe, veuillez cliquer ici : https://www.unsubscribe.gwm.scotiabank.com?page=gwm〈=fr Cette transmission peut contenir de l'information confidentielle et son utilisation par toute personne autre que la personne ‚àö‚Ć laquelle cette transmission est destin‚àö¬©e est interdite. Le pr‚àö¬©sent courriel peut aussi contenir des renseignements importants pour les dossiers du ou des destinataires pr‚àö¬©vus. Pour plus de d‚àö¬©tails, veuillez vous diriger vers: http://www.scotiabank.com/email_disclaimer/email_francais.html Para dejar de recibir mensajes electr‚àö‚â•nicos comerciales de The Bank of Nova Scotia en Canad‚àö¬∞, haga clic aqu‚àö‚â†: https://cancelarsuscripcion.scotiabank.com?entid=BNS&buid=SBNK Para dejar de recibir mensajes electr‚àö‚â•nicos comerciales de otras entidades incluidas en la lista adjunta, haga clic aqu‚àö‚â†: https://www.unsubscribe.gwm.scotiabank.com?page=gwm〈=es Este correo electr‚àö‚â•nico puede contener informaci‚àö‚â•n confidencial cuyo uso por parte de personas distintas de los destinatarios del mismo est‚àö¬∞ prohibido. El mensaje puede tener tambi‚àö¬©n datos importantes para los archivos del(de los) destinatario(s) a quien(es) est‚àö¬∞ dirigido. Para m‚àö¬∞s detalles, por favor dirigirse a: http://www.scotiabank.com/email_disclaimer/email_espanol.html

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5 Replies


Level 10
Hi Katherine, Try this: On your issue form, create a calculated field called: Original Requestor. On the Calculation, enter Entered by.Name On your project form, on the calculated field Original Requestor, enter on Calculation: IF(ISBLANK(Original Requester),"",Original Requester) Cheers.


Level 3
Polly this is great! Thank you so much! It worked :)


Level 10
Great! Glad that worked out for you.


Level 2
There is also a default field called "Entered By" that is the original requestor regardless of whom they tag as the "Primary Contact".


Level 1
Sometimes, when the information in calculated fields is not updating in general, I modify any other field of the form and when I save, everything is updated.