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Custom Column for Planned/Actual Hour Differntial


Level 4
I'm trying to create a report that will show the differential between planned and actual hours on both the details and matrix format. I can't seem to find a column that will accomplish this, so I took a crack at custom columns. So far, I have values being returned, but for they are being returned as minutes instead of hours and only work in the details format. Below is the text I am using. Any suggestions would be appreciated! aggregator.displayformat=minutesAsHoursString aggregator.function=SUM aggregator.namekey=Plan-Actual aggregator.valuefield=SUB({workRequired},{actualWorkRequired}) aggregator.valueformat=compound displayname=Plan-Actual textmode=true valueexpression=SUB({workRequired},{actualWorkRequired}) valueformat=compound Chris Flynn FHCP
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Level 4
UPDATE: So I kept working and finally got it to display as hours on the details format, but still cannot get the custom column on the matrix report. Here is my updated text: aggregator.displayformat=minutesAsHoursString aggregator.function=SUM aggregator.namekey=SUB({workRequired},{actualWorkRequired}) aggregator.valueexpression=SUB({workRequired},{actualWorkRequired}) aggregator.valueformat=compound linkedname=direct namekey=SUB({workRequired},{actualWorkRequired}) querysort=actualWork textmode=true valueexpression=SUB({workRequired},{actualWorkRequired}) valueformat=minutesAsHoursString viewalias=Plan-Actual Chris Flynn FHCP