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Converting an issue to a project then deleting or not selecting the option to keep the issue after conversion......


Level 3
Hi, Is there a way to reference the original issue information in the project - submitted date and who submtted it - if that issue is deleted or not selected to be kept after converting it? Thanks, Brad Brad Mikolajczyk The Kenan Advatage Group
1 Reply


Level 6
You can make calculated fields on the original issue and project to force info. For example: The original issue needs a calculated field to capture the Submitter person (Primary Contact/Owner). Then, when converting to a project, the Project captures the same field from the original issue. Step 1: Make a calculated field called "Submitter" Step 2: Add that field to issue custom form. Calculated formula = Owner.Name Step 3: Add that field to PROJECT custom form: Calculated formula = IF(ISBLANK(Submitter),"",Submitter) Step 4: Make sure those custom forms are on both the issue and receiving project. Step 5: Convert the request to a project. Vincent Goodwin The Capital Group Companies