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Conditional Formatting in a task report.


Level 2
Is there a way I can format a date field (similar to excel) to format as a difference color when the actual completion date is later than the planned completion date? Eric Roybal Director, Project Management One & All
1 Reply


Level 10
Yes, you can. Please paste the following text mode on top of the existing code for your Actual Completion Date field. This will colour the font and background red if it is later than the Planned Completion Date. You can customise it further as you like for this and other uses. e.g. If you wanted to colour another field using the same field comparison you just change the namekey, querysort and valuefield to the other field name but leave the rest of it as-is to compare and do the colouring based on Actual vs Planned Completion dates. displayname= linkedname=direct namekey=actualCompletionDate querysort=actualCompletionDate styledef.case.0.comparison.icon=false styledef.case.0.comparison.leftmethod=actualCompletionDate styledef.case.0.comparison.lefttext=actualCompletionDate styledef.case.0.comparison.operator=gte styledef.case.0.comparison.operatortype=date styledef.case.0.comparison.rightmethod=plannedCompletionDate styledef.case.0.comparison.righttext=FIELD:plannedCompletionDate styledef.case.0.comparison.trueproperty.0.name=textcolor styledef.case.0.comparison.trueproperty.0.value=d30519 styledef.case.0.comparison.trueproperty.1.name=bgcolor styledef.case.0.comparison.trueproperty.1.value=eac6c9 styledef.case.0.comparison.truetext= textmode=true valuefield=actualCompletionDate valueformat=longAtDate David Cornwell